Det er flere som er inne på det samme, tydeligvis. Her er en fyr som prøver å beskrive smakene i en single hop Equinox IPA:
"One theme that I've managed to parse out, though: whatever kind of fruit or weird vegetable-but-if-it-was-a-fruit this Equinox IPA of mine tastes like, the beer bears a candy-like aura, apparently. That's the most common description I've heard. Candy-like fruit. What the fruit is, of course, varies greatly, a mystery unsolvable as Serial (are you guys listening to Serial?). But okay, candy-like at least gives us a smaller pool of suspects. (What the hell is the deal with Jay, right?) Candy-like-one-of-four-things. We're getting closer: if green pepper was in the berry family of fruits but then someone made a candy to taste like that and then this is a natural recreation of that candy as a hop. Mystery solved."
Hele innlegget hans kan leses her:
"One theme that I've managed to parse out, though: whatever kind of fruit or weird vegetable-but-if-it-was-a-fruit this Equinox IPA of mine tastes like, the beer bears a candy-like aura, apparently. That's the most common description I've heard. Candy-like fruit. What the fruit is, of course, varies greatly, a mystery unsolvable as Serial (are you guys listening to Serial?). But okay, candy-like at least gives us a smaller pool of suspects. (What the hell is the deal with Jay, right?) Candy-like-one-of-four-things. We're getting closer: if green pepper was in the berry family of fruits but then someone made a candy to taste like that and then this is a natural recreation of that candy as a hop. Mystery solved."
Hele innlegget hans kan leses her: