Voss Bryggeri Natabjødn


This is the recipe for Natabjødn. As with the Oregonian recipe I have written the malts as percentages and the hops as addition time and IBUs. I also put the aroma hops as a percentage. This is so people can adapt the recipe to give the best result on their systems. Any questions please feel free to leave a comment.

Voss Bryggeri Natabjødn

Pale Malt 79%
Munich Malt 12%
Crystal Malt 5%
Chocolate Malt 4%

Colour: 36 EBC
Bitterness: 26 IBU
Starting Gravity 1.056 (14 plato)
Finishing Gravity 1.014 (3.5 plato)

Mash Temperature: 66 degrees celsius

Boil Time: 90 minutes

First hops: Northern Brewer at start of boil 7.5 IBU
Second Hops: Last 10 minutes of the boil
Mount Hood (10%) 9 IBU
Irish Moss
End of boil

Whirlpool hops: Mount Hood (90%) 10 IBU

We used to add hazelnut extract to the Natabjødn but before I arrived in Norway it was decided to change that. If you think it enhances the flavour then it can be added in the boil or as a dry extract. Natabjødn is also a great base beer if you were looking to try something such as blending, adding vanilla or coffee. If you decide to add coffee I would recommend adding cold brewed coffee.


Andrew Rathband

Voss Bryggeri
Hei. Jeg skal brygge for første gang og tenkte å lage denne da jeg har smakt den på UNA i Bergen og ble forelsket i den

Jeg har fått låne en 50L speidel og tenkte å brygge 50 liter, men hvor mange kg malt og humle trenger jeg da? Ser at de andre oppskriftene her inne har spesifikke gram/kilo men på denne er det bare prosent.

Noen som har prøvd denne oppskriften og har lyst til å dele ingrediens detaljene?
Cecilie, om du legger dette inn i en bryggekalkulator eller bruker kuleramme så har du alt du trenger. Forholdet mellom indrigensene er alt du trenger. Jeg bruker http://www.brewersfriend.com som er å enkel og oversiktlig at jeg faktisk klarer å bruke den :)
Takk for det. Prøvde med både brewersfriend og brewmate men det gikk skeis. Enten fant jeg ikke riktig malt/humle ellers klarte jeg ikke endre de forskjellige verdiene :)

Det blir nok en American west coast amber ale til Jan Halvor istedet! Der lå alt smekk ferdig ;)
Hva slags verdier mener du? Jeg har aldri brukt de to programmene før men oppskriften er jo ikke så mystisk. Ligger ikke de ingrediensene der?

This is the recipe for Natabjødn. As with the Oregonian recipe I have written the malts as percentages and the hops as addition time and IBUs. I also put the aroma hops as a percentage. This is so people can adapt the recipe to give the best result on their systems. Any questions please feel free to leave a comment.

Voss Bryggeri Natabjødn

Pale Malt 79%
Munich Malt 12%
Crystal Malt 5%
Chocolate Malt 4%

Colour: 36 EBC
Bitterness: 26 IBU
Starting Gravity 1.056 (14 plato)
Finishing Gravity 1.014 (3.5 plato)

Mash Temperature: 66 degrees celsius

Boil Time: 90 minutes

First hops: Northern Brewer at start of boil 7.5 IBU
Second Hops: Last 10 minutes of the boil
Mount Hood (10%) 9 IBU
Irish Moss
End of boil

Whirlpool hops: Mount Hood (90%) 10 IBU

We used to add hazelnut extract to the Natabjødn but before I arrived in Norway it was decided to change that. If you think it enhances the flavour then it can be added in the boil or as a dry extract. Natabjødn is also a great base beer if you were looking to try something such as blending, adding vanilla or coffee. If you decide to add coffee I would recommend adding cold brewed coffee.


Andrew Rathband

Voss Bryggeri
Sorry, wrong language. Meant to ask which yeast is used.
Hey, no worries. I would recommend a British Ale Yeast but feel free to experiment. I think a German Ale Yeast might work well with it too. We currently use our house strain for this beer.

Thanks Steinmb for helping people out. If people are in doubt I would recommend aiming for a 75% mash efficiency and trying to scale it to their set ups. Cheers and good luck.
