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Til Salgs CraftBeerPi extension board PCB

Hi, I have a new batch of CraftBeerPI extension boards.
100nok inlc shipping
+15nok for buck module MP1584 if needed

I can also send board plus all components as well (215nok plus shipping - around 48nok by posten).
v5.png 5.1-built.jpg
Yes this is my own design which was before original board and he kind of modified my board at the beginning and they went commercial with it. Mine is an open design, works the same way.

terragady.com is NOT my website and I have no affiliation with it, guy just took my design and is selling it by his own.
WTF? Seriously?

Anyway, I think this is above me, and will probably look at SmartPID or similar for my Netthandel-brewer. (Or just buy a 50l with a new controller.... Cause I'm lazy)
SmartPID is not cheap and craftbeerpi has more features and plugins. You can even use it to control your fermentation, connect iSpindel etc. For the simple automatic pot (like the one from netthandelen - which I have as well now) you do not need PCB actually and you can use PiZeroW if you will not run an LCD in Kiosk mode without any issues. You can also add the PT100 in place of old sensor so the transition can be seamless :) And it is nice to do something on your own, more satisfaction.
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Reaksjoner: JEG
OK. You got me interested. Anywhere I can read up? I am primarily interested in getting better control over the N-brewer. At first, anyway.
Thanks. Found a couple of your posts @ FB as well, so I'll dig in to making the Netthandelen-brewer better when I find time.
Are you unhappy with the stock controller? It is not that bad after all. I just like to build stuff and thinker so I am DIYing a lot of stuff around :)
Well that was kind of open source, not protected etc so whatever, I just do not really like that he is using my name for his website and people confuse me with him and I get messages from time to time about the orders from that website and they think I cheated them or something...

Yeah I can write up a BOM for you but the board is sell explanatory, everything is listed on the silk screen.
Are you unhappy with the stock controller? It is not that bad after all. I just like to build stuff and thinker so I am DIYing a lot of stuff around :)
I got the old version with +/- 2'C, so there is that. I would also like a dynamically power control. Sometimes when the temp is to low, it heats so fast that it even over shoots. Especially when mashing-out this sucks.
Sist redigert:
Right, I got the new controller which was quite ok I would say, it wash overshooting a bit sometimes especially when less liquid inside but was in acceptable range