John Palmer skriver fylgjande i How to Brew: "Generally, the higher the original gravity, the longer the conditioning time to reach peak flavor. Small beers like 1.035 pale ales will reach peak flavor within a couple of weeks of bottling. Stronger, more complex ales, like stouts, may require a month or more. Very strong beers like doppelbocks and barley wines will require six months to a year before they condition to their peak flavor. (If oxidation doesn’t take its toll first; I have had some pretty awful year-old barley wines.)" Så: for alkoholsvake ale anbefales ca to veker og for sterkare og meir komplekse øl ein månad eller meir. Så det spørs eigentleg kva øl du bryggar kor lenge det bør lagrast før det er på topp.
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