Stig Andre
Fikk denne oppskriften på Betty Brown av Mike Murphy.
Får det ikke til å stemme med OG og farge (1040 og 30EBC). For meg virker det som det mangler ca 200kg malt for å få denne til å gå opp. Noen som ser noen åpenbare feil? Er f.eks 7kg (0,6%) Amber malt passe eller bør det være mer?
Betty Brown Ale , Recipe 6500L
Batch size 6500hl
Total grain 1325 kg
Anticipated OG 11. 5 % Plato
Anticipated EBC 49.0
Anticipated IBU 24,0
Anticipated RDF 67,5
Anticipated Alc. Vol. 4,7 %
Brewhouse Eff. Calcutated at 78%
Mashing-in liquor 3000- 3500 Lt at 52C (2,25 L : kg malt)
Saccharification rest 1 67°C- rest for 20 mins -> 72C (20 mins) -> mash out
Mash out 78c 5 mins
Evaporation rate 10%/hour
Pre-boil wort size
Boil time 75 min
Pre-boil gravity 10.0 % plato
1600g Calciumchlorid added to Mash water
,7 L- Lactic acid Mash water
2ml/ 1000L Anti foam add at 95C prior to boil (if needed)
3 grms per HL Protofloc Granules - in last 15 mins of the boil
850kg Pale malt
88,0kg Crystal 150EBC
60,0kg Carapale 10
7,0 kg Amber malt
26,0kg Carafa III or chocoalte
75,0kg Flaked Oats (add to the tank directly though manway)
3,90 kg Perle 10% AA 60mins
5 kg Pacific Gem 5% AA 10mins
2,5 kg cascade Pellet T90 10 mins + 1 kg CaCl in last 30 mins of boil
WhiteLabs Californa Ale 21C final gravity around 2.6Plato / 1 L / HL (Pitch wort at 25C to allow the lag time to not go to cold in room) Ferment at ambient pressure close tank at 6P left in green beer.
Får det ikke til å stemme med OG og farge (1040 og 30EBC). For meg virker det som det mangler ca 200kg malt for å få denne til å gå opp. Noen som ser noen åpenbare feil? Er f.eks 7kg (0,6%) Amber malt passe eller bør det være mer?
Betty Brown Ale , Recipe 6500L
Batch size 6500hl
Total grain 1325 kg
Anticipated OG 11. 5 % Plato
Anticipated EBC 49.0
Anticipated IBU 24,0
Anticipated RDF 67,5
Anticipated Alc. Vol. 4,7 %
Brewhouse Eff. Calcutated at 78%
Mashing-in liquor 3000- 3500 Lt at 52C (2,25 L : kg malt)
Saccharification rest 1 67°C- rest for 20 mins -> 72C (20 mins) -> mash out
Mash out 78c 5 mins
Evaporation rate 10%/hour
Pre-boil wort size
Boil time 75 min
Pre-boil gravity 10.0 % plato
1600g Calciumchlorid added to Mash water
,7 L- Lactic acid Mash water
2ml/ 1000L Anti foam add at 95C prior to boil (if needed)
3 grms per HL Protofloc Granules - in last 15 mins of the boil
850kg Pale malt
88,0kg Crystal 150EBC
60,0kg Carapale 10
7,0 kg Amber malt
26,0kg Carafa III or chocoalte
75,0kg Flaked Oats (add to the tank directly though manway)
3,90 kg Perle 10% AA 60mins
5 kg Pacific Gem 5% AA 10mins
2,5 kg cascade Pellet T90 10 mins + 1 kg CaCl in last 30 mins of boil
WhiteLabs Californa Ale 21C final gravity around 2.6Plato / 1 L / HL (Pitch wort at 25C to allow the lag time to not go to cold in room) Ferment at ambient pressure close tank at 6P left in green beer.