Denne ølen falt jeg og min bedre halvdel pladask for når vi var i Tsjekkia i sommer
. Jeg har jo ikke muligheten til å brygge lignende via allgrain metoden(enda) men jeg tenker det kunne vært artig å se om man kunne få noe ligner enten med kit(s) eller ekstrakt brygging?
Har noen oppskrifter/tanker hvordan man går frem for å emulere lignende type øl utenom allgrain?
Munich Dunkel Lager
An old friend of Bavaria, Munich Dunkels are smooth, rich and complex, but without being heady or heavy. They boast brilliant ruby hues from the large amounts of Munich malts used, and these malts also lend a fuller-bodied beer. The decoction brewing process also lends much depth and richness. Bitterness is often moderate, with just enough to balance out any sweetness. Hop varieties used tend to be of the German noble varieties, like: Tetnang and Hallertau.
Har noen oppskrifter/tanker hvordan man går frem for å emulere lignende type øl utenom allgrain?
Munich Dunkel Lager
An old friend of Bavaria, Munich Dunkels are smooth, rich and complex, but without being heady or heavy. They boast brilliant ruby hues from the large amounts of Munich malts used, and these malts also lend a fuller-bodied beer. The decoction brewing process also lends much depth and richness. Bitterness is often moderate, with just enough to balance out any sweetness. Hop varieties used tend to be of the German noble varieties, like: Tetnang and Hallertau.