Mikkeller - Wheat is the new hops!


Vil gjerne dele oppskriften til et nydelig øl som jeg ba Mikkeller oppgi oppskriften på:

Hello Mikael,
Thank you for your mail.
It's very simple to brew a wheat is the new hops clone.
You do as you would do when you brew an American IPA. Replace 25% of your base malt with unmalted wheat.
Mash in at 65 degrees.
Boil one hour, plenty of hops at the end of boiling.
wlp650 brettanomyces bruxellensis till you hit 1005 or less.
Dry hop with American hops.
bottle with high level of CO2.
Good Luck

Fikk oppskriften i går, har ikke rukket å brygge den enda. Skal bruke vestkyst sin oppskrift med Brett.. Gleder meg!