Oksygen mettning ved 10 grader?

Har ikke tallene foran meg, men er ikke det maksimalt mellom 4 og 8 ppm om man ikke bruker ren oksygen og beluftningssten?

Fra sciencebrewer:
In reality, as homebrewers it is very difficult not to introduce O2 once the wort is cooled. Simply transferring the cold wort into a carboy (without splashing) will add some amount of oxygen for the yeast to use, however this is far from ideal. Yeast need greater than 8 parts per million (ppm) to adequately ferment a batch of beer. Here are some numbers on different methods (keep in mind that O2 dissolves less in higher gravity wort) on an average batch of homebrew (5 gallons, 1.050 – 1.070):

  • Shaking: 2 ppm
  • Aquarium pump: maximum of 8 ppm
  • 30 seconds pure O2: 5 ppm
  • 60 seconds pure O2: 8-10 ppm
  • 2 minutes pure O2: greater than 14 ppm
Tja... mellom 2 og 8 ppm virker å være max om man ikke har ren oksygen og beluftningssten...

Fra beersmith forumet :

The latest info I have for O2 is:

splashing=4 ppm
'lots' of vigorous shaking= 8ppm
pump & stone = 8ppm

They say 8 ppm is the maximum you can get using air of any method even with a pump and stone and times of forever.
They go on to say that extended pump & stone aeration will result in loss of head formation & retention.
overoxygentation will get you acetaldehyde and fusels
underoxygenation will get cause lack of and slow attenuation, off-flavors, and decreased health for re-use.

Da huska jeg ikke helt feil...