Ok, her er oppskriften jeg fikk av Mike. Det er den originale oppskriften fra bryggeriet, jeg har bare redigert litt for ryddighetens skyld. Eventuelle omregninger til hjemmebrygg-størrelse på batchen får man gjøre selv. 
Hvis målet er å klone ølet, ville jeg tenkt nøye gjennom hvordan man gjennomfører gjæringen. Husk at det store trykket i ølet (som en følge av det store volumet, 18000 liter) vil gjøre at gjæren produserer mindre estere enn i en batch på 20 liter på samme temperatur.
Men, altså:
Lervig Lucky Jack
Batch size: 18.000 net
Total grain: 3.500 kg
Anticipated OG 11.5 % Plato
Anticipated EBC 14.0
Anticipated IBU 29,0
Anticipated RDF 66,5
Anticipated Alc. Vol. 4,70 %
Brewhouse Eff. Calcutated at 90%
3000 kg Pilsner malt
200 kg Carapale 10
200 kg Caracrystal 150
Mashing-in liquor 11.500l at 52C (3,2 L : kg malt)
Protien rest: 50°C rest 15 mins
Step up 1C : minute
Saccharification rest 1: 67°C- rest for 20 mins
Saccharification rest 2: 72°C- rest for 20 mins
Mash off: 78°C- rest for 5 mins
0,5 kg Simcoe first wort hop, 90 mins
2,5 kg Perle T45, 10% AA, 60 mins
lower the pH to under 5,1 before finish hops are added, ( 3 L lactic acid, 1,5kg CaCl)
25 kg Amarillo, pellets T90 15 mins
25 kg Chinook, Pellets T90 5 mins
15 kg Citra, pellets T90 5 mins
15 kg Citra, dry hop after primary fermentation at fermentation temp
Evaporation rate: 10%/hour
Pre-boil wort size: ?
Boil time: 60 min
Pre-boil gravity: 10.4 % plato
6600 g Calcium chloride added to mash water
3 l Lactic acid added to mash water
9 g Zink sulfate (antar dette tilsettes under koking)
2 ml/ 1000L Anti foam add at 95C prior to boil
4 g per HL Protafloc Granules - in last 15 mins of the boil
WhiteLabs Californa Ale 21C final gravity around 2.6Plato / 1 L / HL
(Pitch wort at 25C to allow the lag time to not go to cold in room) Ferment at ambient pressure close tank at 4P left in green beer.
Brite filteration/>4.0 haze
CO₂ 4.80g/l in tank for cans/flasker, 5,1 for tank truck or fat
Hvis målet er å klone ølet, ville jeg tenkt nøye gjennom hvordan man gjennomfører gjæringen. Husk at det store trykket i ølet (som en følge av det store volumet, 18000 liter) vil gjøre at gjæren produserer mindre estere enn i en batch på 20 liter på samme temperatur.
Men, altså:
Lervig Lucky Jack
Batch size: 18.000 net
Total grain: 3.500 kg
Anticipated OG 11.5 % Plato
Anticipated EBC 14.0
Anticipated IBU 29,0
Anticipated RDF 66,5
Anticipated Alc. Vol. 4,70 %
Brewhouse Eff. Calcutated at 90%
3000 kg Pilsner malt
200 kg Carapale 10
200 kg Caracrystal 150
Mashing-in liquor 11.500l at 52C (3,2 L : kg malt)
Protien rest: 50°C rest 15 mins
Step up 1C : minute
Saccharification rest 1: 67°C- rest for 20 mins
Saccharification rest 2: 72°C- rest for 20 mins
Mash off: 78°C- rest for 5 mins
0,5 kg Simcoe first wort hop, 90 mins
2,5 kg Perle T45, 10% AA, 60 mins
lower the pH to under 5,1 before finish hops are added, ( 3 L lactic acid, 1,5kg CaCl)
25 kg Amarillo, pellets T90 15 mins
25 kg Chinook, Pellets T90 5 mins
15 kg Citra, pellets T90 5 mins
15 kg Citra, dry hop after primary fermentation at fermentation temp
Evaporation rate: 10%/hour
Pre-boil wort size: ?
Boil time: 60 min
Pre-boil gravity: 10.4 % plato
6600 g Calcium chloride added to mash water
3 l Lactic acid added to mash water
9 g Zink sulfate (antar dette tilsettes under koking)
2 ml/ 1000L Anti foam add at 95C prior to boil
4 g per HL Protafloc Granules - in last 15 mins of the boil
WhiteLabs Californa Ale 21C final gravity around 2.6Plato / 1 L / HL
(Pitch wort at 25C to allow the lag time to not go to cold in room) Ferment at ambient pressure close tank at 4P left in green beer.
Brite filteration/>4.0 haze
CO₂ 4.80g/l in tank for cans/flasker, 5,1 for tank truck or fat