Hie. Jeg tenkte forsøke en rød Chimay klone og lage egen candy sirup til den.
Jeg fant et par forslag på oppskrifter og tar gjenre imot råd om evt. endring av disse.
Samtidig har jeg funnet mange "vage" oppskrifter på candy sirup, men de fleste sier ingenting om tempraturer på koking/varming av sitron/sukker/vann blanding. Håper noen har en oppskrift liggende.
Red Chimay klone 1
Batch Size: 5.00 gal
Boil Size: 6.02 gal
Estimated OG: 1.064 SG
Estimated Color: 16.1 SRM
Estimated IBU: 15.9 IBU
Brewhouse Efficiency: 75.0 %
Boil Time: 90 Minutes
Amount Item Type % or IBU
8.00 lb Pilsner (2 Row) Bel (2.0 SRM) Grain 71.1 %
1.00 lb Caramel/Crystal Malt - 60L (60.0 SRM) Grain 8.9 %
1.00 lb Wheat Malt, Bel (2.0 SRM) Grain 8.9 %
0.25 lb Special B Malt (180.0 SRM) Grain 2.2 %
0.50 lb Candi Sugar, Amber (75.0 SRM) Sugar 4.4 %
0.50 lb Sugar, Table (Sucrose) (1.0 SRM) Sugar 4.4 %
1 Pkgs Belgian Ale (White Labs #WLP550) Yeast-Ale
0.50 oz Northern Brewer [8.50%] (60 min) Hops 14.3 IBU
0.50 oz Hallertauer [4.80%] (5 min) Hops 1.6 IBU
This is what I came up with. Mash at 149 for 90 mins, ferment at 67 for one week, then rise to room temp which is around 78-80
Red Chimay clone 2
10lb.(4.5kg) Maris Otter 2 row pale malt (winter barley)
4 oz. (133g) Belgian aromatic malt
.5 lb. (.23kg) Belgian Cara-Munich malt
1 oz. (28g) chocolale matl
1.5 lb. (.68kg) Belgian clear candi sugar
1.5 oz. (42g) Tettnanger @ 4% AA (bittering hop)
.25 oz. ( 7g) Styrian Goldings (flavor hop)
.25 oz.( 7g) German Hallertau Hernsbrucker (flavor hop)
1 tsp. Irish moss
Mash grains for 90 min. @ 150 deg.f (65.5C)
add bittering hops and candi sugar,
boil for 90 min,
add irish moss and flavoring hops last 15 min.,
cool and pitch Wyeast 1214
OG 1.068-1.071
Yield 5 gal. (18.9L)
FG 1.012-1.015
IBU 25
SRM 18-19
7.1% ABV
Jeg fant et par forslag på oppskrifter og tar gjenre imot råd om evt. endring av disse.
Samtidig har jeg funnet mange "vage" oppskrifter på candy sirup, men de fleste sier ingenting om tempraturer på koking/varming av sitron/sukker/vann blanding. Håper noen har en oppskrift liggende.
Red Chimay klone 1
Batch Size: 5.00 gal
Boil Size: 6.02 gal
Estimated OG: 1.064 SG
Estimated Color: 16.1 SRM
Estimated IBU: 15.9 IBU
Brewhouse Efficiency: 75.0 %
Boil Time: 90 Minutes
Amount Item Type % or IBU
8.00 lb Pilsner (2 Row) Bel (2.0 SRM) Grain 71.1 %
1.00 lb Caramel/Crystal Malt - 60L (60.0 SRM) Grain 8.9 %
1.00 lb Wheat Malt, Bel (2.0 SRM) Grain 8.9 %
0.25 lb Special B Malt (180.0 SRM) Grain 2.2 %
0.50 lb Candi Sugar, Amber (75.0 SRM) Sugar 4.4 %
0.50 lb Sugar, Table (Sucrose) (1.0 SRM) Sugar 4.4 %
1 Pkgs Belgian Ale (White Labs #WLP550) Yeast-Ale
0.50 oz Northern Brewer [8.50%] (60 min) Hops 14.3 IBU
0.50 oz Hallertauer [4.80%] (5 min) Hops 1.6 IBU
This is what I came up with. Mash at 149 for 90 mins, ferment at 67 for one week, then rise to room temp which is around 78-80
Red Chimay clone 2
10lb.(4.5kg) Maris Otter 2 row pale malt (winter barley)
4 oz. (133g) Belgian aromatic malt
.5 lb. (.23kg) Belgian Cara-Munich malt
1 oz. (28g) chocolale matl
1.5 lb. (.68kg) Belgian clear candi sugar
1.5 oz. (42g) Tettnanger @ 4% AA (bittering hop)
.25 oz. ( 7g) Styrian Goldings (flavor hop)
.25 oz.( 7g) German Hallertau Hernsbrucker (flavor hop)
1 tsp. Irish moss
Mash grains for 90 min. @ 150 deg.f (65.5C)
add bittering hops and candi sugar,
boil for 90 min,
add irish moss and flavoring hops last 15 min.,
cool and pitch Wyeast 1214
OG 1.068-1.071
Yield 5 gal. (18.9L)
FG 1.012-1.015
IBU 25
SRM 18-19
7.1% ABV