Her er det en kompis av meg fikk som svar fra White Labs:
"I think you will be pleased with the Clarity Ferm enzyme for both it's gluten reducing as well as it's clarifying effects. I use it in all of my home brewing and I have never had a problem serving it to people with any level of gluten intolerance, including coeliac's disease.
Since Clarity Ferm is an enzyme, it is not used up in the reaction so a single 5ml vial should be OK to use in your 7.5 gallon batch. Just be sure to add it to your chilled wort at about the same time as you pitch your yeast.
If you still have gluten after fermenting (which you shouldn't), adding more Clarity Ferm probably won't help much since the enzyme will still be present in the beer. Also, Clarity Ferm works by preventing protein bonds from forming, but it won't break those bonds once they're formed so it really does need to be added pre-fermentation for optimum performance. Also, the enzyme works best at room temperature so keep that in mind when making lager style beers.
You'll be glad to know that wheat beers are not out of the question! I made a blackberry wheat beer and my mother-in-law tried it (she's borderline coeliac) and had no reaction. From what I've heard and experienced, Clarity Ferm will work on all styles of beer and any adjunct or flavor addition will not affect it.
I encourage you to give it a try and see how it works for you. Please be careful though and when trying beer made with Clarity Ferm for the first time, drink a small sample and see if you have any reaction. If you are OK, then you can try larger samples. Hopefully you have the same success that I have!"
Han har brygget mange batcher med Clarity Ferm og alle har vist seg glutenfri igjennom strips fra Romer Labs. Han har glutenallergi selv, og han sier at han ikke har reagert på noen av batchene.
Jeg har også gitt en av hans stouter til min far med glutenallergi, han reagerte ikke på den i heletatt.
Spørsmålet her er jo lager.. Som de fleste litt eldre herremenn oppe i åra, så er min far glad i pils og div. lagertyper.
Så det jeg tenkte var å brygge en lager med clarity ferm også få den testet med slike strips.
Jeg har brygget to batcher med clarity ferm allerede, men har ikke fått testet dem på noen med denne allergien

Men, folk reagerer forskjellig på gluten, noen kan ha en lett allergi, andre kan få opptil et år ødelagt (Ref. Brewing Network, Sunday Session om gluten). Tror ikke jeg hadde kommet til å servert en øl med clarity ferm til sistnevnte.