Jeg bestilte meg en SmartPID

SmartPID crowdfundig campaign and next steps
First of all thank you to all crowdfunding campaign backers and project supporter, unluckily regardless the big effort in the project development and MKT campaign the project didn’t reach the challenging goal.

All backers will be refunded according to Indiegogo policy, the web site reports 5-7 business days so be patient

This result off course has some implication on the roadmap and and I will try to reflect on the root cause and evaluate any possible strategy and correction, for sure all the effort in SmartPID design and development will not be lost. I will try to capitalize the incredible crowdfunding experience and all your precious feedback and revamp the project.

In the short term, as you may have heard, I'm going to distribute 50 smartPID pre-production unit that I have anyway produced. Part of the board are already reserved to the beta tester that have been selected, for the reaming part my idea is to contact directly all bakers starting from early bird and so on..and provide a direct link to buy the smartPID if they are still interested
Lead time around one month (still waiting front panel and would like to perform final checkout of all details)

The development never stopped and new SW version will be ready end of the month with some new exciting feature (PID auto tune , delay start for the fridge motor..etc). As well continuous enhancement of the smartphone app are planned. Also support manuals are in a good stage.

As you can see, despite of the crowdfunding result, I'm pushing hard to bring smartPID to the final product stage since I'm still convinced that SmartPID has it's own application and market, with your support and precious feedback I will make it possible

Stay Tuned
arzaman – smart engineering
Jeg ser helt ærlig ikke helt markedet for denne hvis du skal bruke den kun til å gjøre en jobb.
Har du fått denne og testet? Vurderer å kjøpe samme.

Dessverre ser det ut til å prosjektet ikke nådde frem iførste omgang.
Jeg hang meg ikke på som super early backer. De som gjorde det kommer antageligvis til å få en prototype å leke med, kun 50 stk.

Hvis du skulle bruke den til bryggekjelen, så kan du jo gå for en ArdBir løsning.

Ellers så tror det skulle gå ann å kjøpe GF connect å bruke som styring.