Hva bestilte du? Jeg leser dette under hvert produkt: Bare root hop plants are available from 1st of November until 28th of Febuary.
Jeg bestilte en Perle, en Fuggles, En Hallertau og en Cascade.
Legger ved bilder av de.
Ellers så fikk jeg dette til svar da jeg spurte dem om de sendte til Norge:
"We do ship hop plants to Norway and you can have as many or as few as you like.
From 1 plant to 1000 but for any quantity over 5 we have to obtain a phyto Sanitary certificate and unfortunately it costs us £88.
We have shipped one or two plants to various customers in Norway without the certificate but it is at the customers risk.
All the plants on the farm are covered by the PHPS certificate (plant health certificate) but not for individual orders.
This means we have to produce plants to a very high standard and to be disease FREE.
If you would like to order a few plants I would suggest you do it through our website.
However, it will not take out United Kingdom in the address. Please just fill in the address you wish your
order to be sent to and we will take out the U.K. part.
Payment can be done by PayPal (on website) BACS payment, Card Payment or Cheque."
De var veldig hyggelig å handle med
Min pakke ble sittende fast i tollen i 5 dager, så jeg håper det ikke har skadet røttene(med mine amatørøyne så de ok ut).
Fortollingen kom på kr 287,-
Under følger bildene.
Om det er noen med erfaring her; kan dere fortelle meg om disse røttene er ok?
![20150305_090812.jpg 20150305_090812.jpg](https://forum.norbrygg.no/data/attachments/13/13370-b5f407cfa052fb1623510864de36e503.jpg)