Done.Vil fortsatt påstå at det jeg sa stemmer ut i fra dette:
"The largest component of isinglass is collagen, which carries a net positive charge when it is dispersed in beer. The side chains attract the negatively charged yeast cells and the whole complex precipitates and can be removed from the beer"
Og fra egen epost-korrespondanse med en fra Murphy & Son om protaflock, som ikke er collagen, de virker "motsatt"
"No worries. Over dosing carrageenan means the flocc are less dense and float, under dosing leaves lots of
protein behind so the cold wort is cloudy."
Min utheving med feite typer.
This is the case for collagen's (Gelatin or Isinglass) affect on yeast cells and to some extend the case for carrageen's (Irish Moss or Whirlfloc) affect on wort proteins